Breaking: IEC upholds objections to Zuma's nomination to parliament

Thabo Mokone Parliamentary editor
Former president Jacob Zuma. File photo.
Former president Jacob Zuma. File photo.
Image: Veli Nhlapo

The Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) has endorsed objections to former president Jacob Zuma's nomination to stand for parliament.

This was announced by the IEC during a press conference on Thursday.

The IEC said its unanimous decision has been communicated by to the MK party.

Zuma was nominated as its No 1 candidate to the National Assembly by his newly formed MK party despite him having a criminal record.

The criminal record stems from a 15-month prison sentence handed to him by the Constitutional Court after a contempt of court conviction in 2021.

Section 47 of the constitution prohibits any citizen from becoming an MP if they have been sentenced to a prison sentence of longer than 12 months without the option of a fine.

But the IEC was quick to emphasise that the MK party, as an organisation, was not prohibited from taking part in the elections and only Zuma cannot be a candidate for parliament.


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