Retired judge Chris Jafta’s name being used by impersonator: OCJ

Retired justice Chris Jafta. File photo.
Retired justice Chris Jafta. File photo.
Image: Constitutional Court

The public is being cautioned not to fall for an impersonator using the name of retired Constitutional Court judge Chris Jafta.

The office of the chief justice (OCJ) said on Tuesday the impersonator has contacted people using Jafta's name.

“The motives of the impersonator are not yet clear,” it said.

“The public is warned not to fall prey to this impersonator. Impersonating a judicial officer is a criminal offence.”

Jafta, who practised as an advocate specialising in labour and constitutional cases in Mthatha, served on the benches of the high, labour and appeal courts. He retired in October 2021 after a 12-year term of office at the ConCourt.


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