ANCYL KZN planned shutdown against Pappas in uMngeni stopped in court

The ANCYL in KwaZulu-Natal called for the resignation and immediate arrest of uMngeni mayor Christopher Pappas. File photo.
The ANCYL in KwaZulu-Natal called for the resignation and immediate arrest of uMngeni mayor Christopher Pappas. File photo.
Image: Sandile Ndlovu

The ANC Youth League (ANCYL) in KwaZulu-Natal has moved its planned "shutdown" against DA KZN premier candidate Chris Pappas to Thursday after the uMngeni municipality sought an urgent court interdict to stop the protest.

The interdict was granted by the Pietermaritzburg high court on Sunday. The shutdown, was due to take place on Monday

Former DA KZN leader Sizwe Mchunu filed a complaint with the public protector's office in which he alleged that a tourism contract was awarded to Pappas’s fiancé, Jean-Pierre Prinsloo.

Mchunu alleged Prinsloo left his job as a councillor at the eThekwini municipality and relocated to uMngeni, supposedly to be closer to his fiancé. He said on arrival he was appointed as chairperson of uMngeni Tourism, which is being funded by the municipality more than other entities.

This prompted the ANCYL to call for the immediate resignation and arrest of Pappas. The youth structure also called for a shutdown in the municipality. 

Pappas has said the allegations by Mchunu are false as Prinsloo was appointed before he was appointed uMngeni mayor. He said the claims were part of a "smear campaign" by the ANC as they surfaced after his announcement that he was running for premier in the province. 

Pappas said to protect property and lives, they took the ANCYL to court on the basis that provisions of the Gatherings Act had not been followed and there was evidence that showed there was a threat of violence and chaos. 

“The municipality argued it was not fair on the ratepayers and residents of uMngeni to be expected to cover the legal costs. This considering the ANCYL was fully aware of the law but still forced the municipality to seek the court's intervention to prevent unlawful activity,” the municipality said, adding a cost order was also awarded. 

Pappas said the municipality will be alert and will deploy all law enforcement mechanisms at its disposal in the event the ANCYL continues with its unlawful activities.  

He said it must be noted the uMngeni municipality is not opposed to lawful protests or demonstrations. 

Pappas said all due process must be followed to ensure he rights of those who are protesting and the rights of those who are not protesting are protected. 

If mayor Pappas has nothing to hide and is confident in the legitimacy of his actions, why is he running away from peaceful protesters exercising their democratic rights?
KwaZulu-Natal ANC Youth League

The ANCYL KZN is interdicted on shutting down schools, retail stores, businesses, trade and public roads.

The youth structure noted the interdict, and said it did submit a notice as required by law but it was unjustly denied. It said they submitted a second application, which is pending.

“If mayor Pappas has nothing to hide and is confident in the legitimacy of his actions, why is he running away from peaceful protesters exercising their democratic rights? While legal procedures are important, it is essential to recognise the right to peaceful assembly and expression is a fundamental pillar of any democracy. Dismissing such gatherings as 'unlawful' without addressing the underlying grievances reflects a failure to understand the essence of democratic principles. 

“From today, disgraced mayor Pappas must know protests, demonstrations  and sit-ins can be convened anywhere without having to give notice. We call upon mayor Pappas to do the honourable thing and resign from his position as his actions and statements demonstrate a severe disconnect with democratic principles and the rights of the people he is meant to serve,” said the ANCYL KZN.

The youth structure said it  would not be intimidated by threats “reminiscent of apartheid tactics” and will not be threatened with legal action. 

It said they are committed to a peaceful demonstration to assert their democratic rights and call for justice and accountability. 

The structure said a march will be held on Wednesday. 


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