LISTEN | Same old, same old: Mbeki pours cold water on multiparty charter

Bulelani Nonyukela Audio producer
Former president Thabo Mbeki.
Former president Thabo Mbeki.
Image: Thapelo Morebudi

Nothing new will come out of the multiparty charter, says former president Thabo Mbeki. And it's not as though issues raised by the pact are decisively important for the future of the country, he added.

Listen to Mbeki:

Parties including the DA, IFP, FF+, ActionSA, Spectrum National Party, United Independent Movement and Independent South African National Civic Organisation seek to topple the governing ANC in next year's elections. They plan to work together to govern and have snubbed the ruling party and EFF.

The parties met for two days last week, when they drafted pre-election agreements, including power-sharing principles.

Mbeki said the parties have every right to oppose the ANC, but have no solutions to turn around the economy.


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