Gautrain wage deal welcomed by union

Gautrain staff will receive an 8% wage increase. File image
Gautrain staff will receive an 8% wage increase. File image
Image: Supplied

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa says an above inflation wage increase of 8% across the board for all workers at Gautrain has been agreed.

The Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) is at 6.9%. The union has been engaged in wage talks with Gautrain management since April and deadlocked in June. A deal was struck at the weekend.

It provides for:

1. An 8% wage increase across the board.

2. The housing allowance has been increased by 10% to R1,210.

3. The transport allowance increases by 5% to R105.

4. The key performance indicator bonus will increase by R500 to R9,000.

5. The night shift allowance is R35 per hour.

6. The Gautrain staff card will remain in place and continue to be used from home to work. No worker will have to pay to travel to use the Gautrain to and from work.

7. The agreement is valid from July 1 2023 to June 30 2024.



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