Gauteng launches new number plate process for manufacturers

‘We can create opportunities for underrepresented groups’

Gauteng government launches a registration process for manufacturers who will need a new secured number plate system.
Gauteng government launches a registration process for manufacturers who will need a new secured number plate system.
Image: Denis Droppa

The Gauteng government has launched a registration process for manufacturers who will need a new secured number plate system. 

According to the MEC for transport and logistics, Kedibone Daile-Tlabela, the registration process is a crucial component to combat crime, corruption, vandalism and lawlessness in the province. 

“We understand the importance of ensuring that manufacturers and embossers of number plates operate within the bounds of the law. Over the years, we have witnessed numerous challenges arising from non-compliant number plates, such as compromised safety, an increase in vehicle-related crime, and a lack of accountability from manufacturers,” said Daile-Tlabela. 

The MEC said that the department was taking a proactive stance in securing the entire value chain, from manufacturing to distribution, “ensuring that motor vehicle owners can have confidence in the legitimacy and quality of their number plates”. 

The registration process requires manufacturers to submit their applications for scrutiny to guarantee accuracy and compliance. Compliance inspectors inspect embosser production sites, ensuring adherence to regulations, and manufacturers signing Service Level Agreements with Gauteng. 

“It is important that the number plate manufacturing value chain encourages the involvement of new entrants, women, youth and persons living with disabilities into the industry. By promoting inclusivity and diversity, we can create opportunities for underrepresented groups and foster economic growth,” said the MEC. 

She said this would equip individuals with the necessary skills and to provide them with the knowledge and resources to establish their own small, medium and micro-sized enterprises. The launch follows Gauteng premier’s announcement that the province would be introducing new number plates tightened with security features earlier this year in February.

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