JMPD monitoring Diepkloof as protest flares up for third time in one month

Diepkloof protesters on Monday morning blocked parts of the highway. File photo.
Diepkloof protesters on Monday morning blocked parts of the highway. File photo.
Image: Supplied/JMPD

The Johannesburg metro police department (JMPD) says it is monitoring the situation in Diepkloof after a protest on Monday morning that saw parts of the highway barricaded.

Hostel dwellers blockaded parts of the N12 east and N1 north with burning tyres in protest over service delivery issues, according to JMPD spokesperson Xolani Fihla

“Officers are closely monitoring the situation at Diepkloof hostel. This is following protest action by hostel dwellers who had earlier blockaded the N12 East and N1 north at the Diepkloof interchange with burning tyres.

“The residents are protesting over service delivery issues. Officers were dispatched and they managed to disperse the crowds and reopen the highway,” he said.

Fihla said there were still some traffic disruptions on parts of Chris Hani Road and urged motorists to exercise caution when driving there as there was still some debris on the road.

This is the third time in one month Diepkloof residents have protested, all in the same spot.

Two weeks ago residents barricaded the N12 east and N1 north as they demanded basic services.

Just a week earlier, a truck transporting milk was torched and looted during another service delivery protest.


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