More than 1,000 officials in Gauteng health, HR subjected to vetting process

The Gauteng health department has subjected almost 1,600 senior managers and officials in supply chain management (SCM) and human resource management to a vetting process. Stock photo.
The Gauteng health department has subjected almost 1,600 senior managers and officials in supply chain management (SCM) and human resource management to a vetting process. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/Samsonovs

The Gauteng department of health (GDoH) has subjected almost 1,600 senior managers and officials in supply chain management and human resource management to a vetting process.

Motaletale Modiba, Gauteng health spokesperson, said out of 106 senior management service officials, 104 have already submitted their documents for processing by the State Security Agency (SSA).

“Already nine senior management service members have received their clearance certificates from SSA while others are waiting for the agency to finalise the process.

“Two senior management service members who had not complied with the deadline for submission of vetting forms were served with letters initiating a disciplinary process against them,” said Modiba.

In addition to the SMS members, about 1,487 SCM and HR officials have submitted their completed forms for SSA to process, making the total number of officials being vetted 1,593, he said.

The vetting process is a detailed exercise that is quite involved and requires officials to submit various documents and references.


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