Facebook rapist fiasco: Government is embarrassed, says Ntshavheni

Andisiwe Makinana Political correspondent
Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni. File photo.
Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni. File photo.
Image: Freddy Mavunda

The government is embarrassed about murderer and rapist Thabo Bester’s audacious escape from prison.

As a result, the cabinet has instructed the department of correctional services to fast-track its takeover of two prisons run by private companies.

“Indeed, government is embarrassed,” said minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni on Thursday.

“It’s embarrassing that a convicted criminal sentenced to life escapes from prison. That’s why cabinet has instructed law enforcement to make sure he is recaptured as soon as possible.”

Ntshavheni said the cabinet was briefed on efforts to rearrest Bester and directed the department of correctional services to speedily finalise the takeover of the operations of the privately managed prisons to ensure those involved in assisting Bester or whose negligence led to his escape are brought to book. This should include those already dismissed from the prison, she said.

“As government, we take seriously our responsibility to make sure that convicted criminals serve their term in jail and those who are their victims feel justice has been served.”

Bester escaped from the Mangaung Correctional Centre, operated by British multinational security company G4S, on May 3 2022, the department confirmed, after it was initially believed he committed suicide by setting himself alight in his cell.

Earlier, the department of correctional services announced it has appointed a temporary manager for the centre.

National commissioner for correctional services Makgothi Thobakgale confirmed Bester was assisted in his escape despite G4S’s previous assertions that he died in the fire, but confirmed it had dismissed three employees in relation to their conduct on the day.  

To this end, the director of contract management based at the department's head office, the DCS controller at Mangaung and deputy controller had been suspended.

“And also, as a result, the departmental investigation unit has started looking into the conduct of the three officials and any other officials,” he said.

“I have appointed Ms Gladys Rantente to be the serving controller on behalf of the department at Mangaung.”

Thobakgale also confirmed the department had deployed a “track-and-trace team to look for Bester” and appealed to those with any information to come forward.


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