Bathers discover corpse at bottom of KZN tidal pool

Suthentira Govender Senior reporter
The body of a man in his 20s was recovered at the Salt Rock tidal pool on Monday.
The body of a man in his 20s was recovered at the Salt Rock tidal pool on Monday.
Image: IPSS Medical rescue

Early morning bathers at a tidal pool on the KwaZulu-Natal north coast made a gruesome discovery when they spotted a body at the bottom.

IPSS Medical Rescue said the discovery was made on Monday morning at the Salt Rock tidal pool.

“Early morning bathers at the Salt Rock tidal pool had a nasty surprise when they were about to get in and spotted a body at the bottom of the pool.”

A search and rescue team was dispatched to the scene to retrieve the body of a man in his 20s.


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