Suggestions put forward for Mandisa Maya’s successor as she vacates SCA for apex court

Ernest Mabuza Journalist
Justice Mandisa Maya will officially become deputy chief justice on Thursday. The National Association of Democratic Lawyers has proposed that SCA deputy president Xola Petse should be president of the appellate court. File photo.
Justice Mandisa Maya will officially become deputy chief justice on Thursday. The National Association of Democratic Lawyers has proposed that SCA deputy president Xola Petse should be president of the appellate court. File photo.
Image: Simphiwe Nkwali

The National Association of Democratic Lawyers (Nadel) said it supports Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) deputy president Xola Mlungisi Petse for consideration as the next president of the SCA.

“Justice [Mandisa] Maya will officially assume her position as newly appointed deputy chief justice on September 1 2022, leaving the office of the president of the SCA vacant,” Nadel said in a statement on Tuesday.

It said Petse was permanently appointed to the bench in 2005 as judge of appeal in 2012 and has been deputy president of the SCA since 2019.

“Nadel also supports justice Mahube Betty Molemela for the position of deputy president of the SCA.”

Nadel said Molemela is a former judge president of the Free State and sits as a judge in the SCA.

“Justice Molemela has sat in the military court, labour court and competition appeal court since 2004, and acted in the Constitutional Court in 2015. 

“Justice Molemela has held various executive and leadership positions across various legal professional bodies. She is relatively young and an exceptional jurist. Her appointment would undoubtedly cement the future of women leadership at the SCA.”


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