North Riding water safe for consumption


Johannesburg Water on Sunday confirmed that the water running through the taps in North Riding‚ north of Johannesburg‚ is free of contamination.

This after it had issued an alert several days ago warning residents to avoid consuming tap water amid a suspected sewer leakage.

As a precautionary measure‚ water tanks had been deployed to the area.

"Johannesburg Water would [like] to confirm receipt of laboratory tests this evening (Saturday) which confirm no contamination of water in the North Riding area especially Boundary‚ Aureole and Spionskop streets which were suspected of possible contamination in the past couple of days‚" the water supplier said in a statement on Sunday.

The water was clear of E-coli and coliform bacteria.

"After extensive testing in the laboratory…. [we] can confirm that water is free of any bacteria and all residents can consume or use their tap water for human consumption as there was no detection of sewer contamination within the water network‚" it added.

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