Two Gupta brothers reportedly arrested in India for 'abetting' suicide of prominent builder

Atul Gupta, right, with older brother Ajay. File photo.
Atul Gupta, right, with older brother Ajay. File photo.
Image: Martin Rhodes

Two of the Gupta brothers, Ajay and Anil Gupta, were reportedly arrested on Friday in India on charges of abetting the suicide of prominent Dehrandun-based builder Satinder Singh Sahni, 52.

According to news reports, this is after the prominent builder named them in a suicide note.

Sahni allegedly jumped off the terrace of a seven-floor apartment complex on Friday morning.

In his suicide note addressed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Sahni accused the brothers of coercion and interfering in his projects, the reports said.

He accused them of threatening him and his business partner to hand over two major projects in the city.

The Gupta family wielded significant political influence during the years that Jacob Zuma was president of South Africa, infamously landing a commercial jet full of wedding guests at Waterkloof Air Force Base.

The brothers were allegedly the architects and beneficiaries of widespread looting of government coffers and state-owned entities during the tenure of Zuma. 


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