And you thought the struggle was for nkandla

EXPENSE: If the 'Guinness Book of Records' were to focus on Jacob Zuma's administration, nothing would reach the height of Nkandla as a monument of what Joel Netshitenzhe calls 'abuse of state resources', says the writer Photo: THEmBINKOSI DWAYISA
EXPENSE: If the 'Guinness Book of Records' were to focus on Jacob Zuma's administration, nothing would reach the height of Nkandla as a monument of what Joel Netshitenzhe calls 'abuse of state resources', says the writer Photo: THEmBINKOSI DWAYISA

Speaking in triple-tongue

We know that Smuts Ngonyama was not in the Struggle to be poor.

We know Number One didn't struggle to live in a compound without a fire pool.

He didn't struggle so that he may be denied friendships with people from Asia.

Jackie Selebi also didn't struggle to be denied "finish and klaar" friendships with druglords. We know that Buffalo Man didn't struggle to run out of cash to bid for a buffalo and its calf.

But what we have not always known, or perhaps forgot, is that some didn't struggle to be sober.

It took the ANC Youth League's newly elected secretary-general, Njabulo Nzuza to remind us what the struggle against apartheid was about. "Black people were exempted from drinking certain whiskies at the time. They wanted to have access to that. They wanted equal rights," he said the other day.

He really sounded like he had had a couple of shots of European whiskey.


Vera had thought that the discovery of Homo naledi would be celebrated as proof that South Africa is a cradle of humankind. Quite the opposite happened. Homo naledi exposed that South Africa is a cradle of PhD holders like Mathole Motshekga who speak as though they never set foot in a classroom.

According to Motshekga the science around Homo naledi is meant to cast Africans in bad light.

Anyone who questions his version is a racist. Vera hopes the white scientists from Wits University have learned something out of this experience and that they will in future discover something so brilliant it should be named after the great science dissident. Bring on Homo motshekga.


Still on homo stuff, Vera can't stop wondering why Blade Nzimande's department hasn't come out to defend the scientist from attacks.

But it seems as if Vera's favourite bourgeois communist is preoccupied with mapping out his political life after Number One.

He is busy fighting the "Premier League" because they have threatened to relegate him to the ABC Motsepe League where the likes of Tony Yengeni and Cassel Mathale play.

Buffalo Man, on the other hand, accepted the invitation to see for himself the kind of species Homo naledi is. It would be interesting to know if he had ever thought of bidding for it and how much he would be prepared to pay for it.


Has Helen "Madam Botox" Zille, who once described people from Eastern Cape as refugees in Cape Town, learned anything from her motherland Germany on the true meaning of refugees?

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