Restraint order against Thandi Maqubela

MURDER ACCUSED: Thandi Maqubela
MURDER ACCUSED: Thandi Maqubela

A restraint order preventing convicted husband-killer Thandi Maqubela from inheriting his estate was granted this week, NPA spokesman Nathi Mncube said on Friday.

"The value of the inheritance of Mrs Maqubela is estimated at R7.2 million," Ncube said.

He said the executor of the estate and the Master of the High Court in Johannesburg were winding up the estate and had been ordered not to pay out Maqubela's inheritance until the conclusion of her criminal case.

The Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) within the NPA was granted the order by the Western Cape High Court on Tuesday.

In November, the same court found Maqubela guilty of killing her husband, acting judge Patrick Maqubela, in June 2009, despite not having conclusive medical evidence pinpointing a cause of death.

She was also found guilty of forging her husband's will and committing fraud by causing potential prejudice to his estate.

Her sentencing was postponed to August 4 after she appointed a new defence team.

"When the trial resumes, the AFU will apply for a confiscation order of her inheritance to ensure that Mrs Maqubela does not benefit from the murder she committed, and will request the court to order that her share be divided amongst the other heirs of the estate," Ncube said

The other heirs of the estate are two adult children from the Maqubelas' marriage, two adult children the acting judge fathered prior to his last marriage, and a child Thandi Maqubela had prior to marrying him.

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