Woods 'should just come clean'

LONDON - Tiger Woods's former coach Butch Harmon believes the world No 1 must risk the humiliation and embarrassment of a full and frank news conference over his infidelities before he can get on with his life.

LONDON - Tiger Woods's former coach Butch Harmon believes the world No 1 must risk the humiliation and embarrassment of a full and frank news conference over his infidelities before he can get on with his life.

Woods, who is taking an indefinite break from golf, has been in hiding since admitting last month he had cheated on his wife.

"The golfing public would like to see Tiger Woods do a press conference," Harmon told the UK's Observer newspaper yesterday.

"To stand there in front of everybody, take his medicine, be humble, be embarrassed, be humiliated and answer the questions.

"But where the hell is he? We could find Osama bin Laden easier than we can find Tiger Woods. How long can you spend on a yacht in the middle of the ocean."

Harmon, who now coaches world number two Phil Mickelson and does occasional commentary work for the UK television channel Sky Sports, said the 14-times major champion would have to put up with verbal asides from the crowds when he returns to golf.

"The difficult part, in my opinion, is going to be the heckling from the galleries," he said. "He is going to get it." - Reuters

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