Mkhuma is a worthy editor

It is with deep pride that we learnt of Zingisa Mkhuma's appointment as the first black African woman editor of a mainstream newspaper, Pretoria News, in more than 100 years.

Mkhuma joins the only two women at the helm of newspapers in the country, Phylicia Oppelt and Ferial Haffajee of the Daily Dispatch and Mail & Guardian.

Mkhuma is a gentle giant who has never forgotten where she came from. She has touched many lives and affirmed African identity by not distancing herself from her roots.

She became a household name to millions of readers through her Saturday Star column in which she maintained a balanced perspective in human interest commentary, building social cohesion and promoting moral values. Her writing transcends race, class and politics.

Lizeka Mda, Pearl Sebolao, Oppelt, Haffajee and Mkhuma have made great personal sacrifices for media freedom, especially in advancing women.

We applaud them for shattering the glass ceiling and for expanding spaces for self-expression and determination among women.

This may be a small step towards transformation of women as equals in the media hierarchy.

Nomvula Khalo, Sandile Memela, Vorna Valley

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