Consultation is a name for peace

Invariably the process of changing names of landmarks of a country will always be riven with controversies and disputes that have the potential to divide the nation.

Invariably the process of changing names of landmarks of a country will always be riven with controversies and disputes that have the potential to divide the nation.

Hence the need to ensure that those given the responsibility of overseeing the process do, not only consult as widely as possibly, but also solicit the views of all the stakeholders.

Whether by design or omission, the process of name changes in KwaZulu-Natal seems to have been not entirely inclusive or as widely consultative as possible to reach consensus.

Small wonder the move has generated extreme unhappiness among some parties in the province, which accuse the ANC of riding roughshod over the views of other stakeholders.

More vocal on the issue has been IFP president Mangosuthu Buthelezi, who this week warned that violence will erupt if the province went ahead with with the renaming of the Mangosuthu highway in Umlazi.

Apart from the warning of violence, which is unfortunate and deplorable, Buthelezi's complaint reflects a sentiment that will evoke sympathy in many quarters.

And the solution is not rocket science but lies in the ruling party treading more sensitively in handling the issue.

The ANC must strive for a win-win solution rather than adopt a winner-takes-all attitude.

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