Stop making excuses for your debt

EVERY time I think I have heard it all, someone pops up with a new reason or perhaps even an excuse, for why they are in debt. In most cases it is purely because their money management sucks.

Today I would like to share some excuses people give to explain why they are in debt.

I know that many of you will relate to these stories. If you do, then perhaps it is time for you to stop making excuses and to make a change in the way you live.

Please note that these are actual letters I received, which I changed slightly to protect the identity of the people.

Letter No 1:

"My sister is the reason I am in such a financial mess. I have difficulty in saying 'no' to my parents, my sister and my girlfriend. I find it very hard. In fact, I simply cannot do it.

"My big problem is that I earn too little money. I earn R9500 a month. I owe so many companies - Truworths, Edgars, Stuttafords, Joshua Doore, African Bank, Standard Bank, Woolworths, Nedbank and other 'smolanyana' (small) micro-lenders.

"I have three cellphone contracts and, imagine, my sister expects me to pay for a garnishee order for my child's maintenance. My ex-girlfriend sued me for not supporting our child. Eish!

"My sister, I need help. I cannot cope. I have sleepless nights. I switch off my phones to have peace. Calls come in left, right and centre, together with threatening letters. Everyone is demanding payment now, not later.

"I don't see the reason why these people must harass me like this.

"I am so broke that last month I decided to withdraw some of my money from the bank before midnight so that when the banks try to get their money, I have at least some money to spoil myself.

"I wanted to apply for a big loan so that I can pay off these debts, but everywhere I go, my application is declined.

"So I don't know what to do now and this is the reason why I am asking you to advise me and tell me what I need to do to clear my debt. Please, please, please my sister help me".

Letter No. 2:

"Thank you for the good show on the radio sisWinnie.

"I am a father of two kids. My wife died of HIV a few years ago. I am on HIV drugs myself and they are expensive. I am so broke I cannot even afford to buy food for my children. We live on Kool Aid and bread because there is no money for anything else.

"I am thinking of killing myself because no matter where I turn, I cannot seem to get help.

"I love my family so much and I cannot stand the thought of not being able to provide for them. I hate to think what they would think of me, that I am a failure and good for nothing. I am thinking that I am better off dead than alive."

Apart from these excuses or reasons, there are a million other excuses or reasons people give as to why they are in debt. My challenge to those who can relate to the above:

  • Firstly, when you are in debt, it is because you choose to be in debt. If you want a debt-free life, then make 2013 the beginning of this new journey. Learn to say no to people and mean it. People who truly love you will understand.
  • Secondly, it holds true that old habits die hard. If you really want habits to "die", they will die.

Look forward to 2013. Not only to the new year, but look forward to changing old habits and replacing them with brand-new 2013 habits - habits of taking responsibility for your finances and sticking to your budget, targets and goals.

Write to: Facebook: @winniekunene money.

This article was first published in the printed newspaper on 11-12-2012. Check the paper each week for Winnie Kunene's latest columns