Britney Spears' conservator earns 500k

Britney Spears
Britney Spears

Britney Spears' co-conservator Andrew Wallett will receive $426,000 for working on her affairs this year.

The 'Piece of Me' hitmaker's personal and professional affairs have been controlled by her father Jamie Spears and Andrew Wallett since her breakdown in 2008, and a new court order has increased the payments the two men receive for their work.

The judgement rules: ''For 2014 in the amount of $426,000 to be paid Mr. Wallett. The proposed 2014 compensation shall be paid monthly, in the amount of $35,500, payable on the first day of each and every month, to commence on January 1, 2014.'' Jamie has also asked for the amount of money he receives to increase to allow for a higher rent on his office space.

According to, he claimed in court documents: ''As my rent has steadily escalated over the last three years, I request that I be reimbursed an additional $800.00 per month for my office expense for the time period of November 1, 2012, through August 31, 2013. ''[I ask] that I be authorised to spend the sum of $2,000 monthly, rather than the previously ordered $1,200 monthly, for my office space in a secure location that is dedicated to Britney's activities.''

Judge Reva Goetz said the payments were important to ensure Britney's career and interests are run properly. She said in the court order: ''The conservatorship estate entails the active management of Britney Spears substantial career, business interests and assets as well as numerous trusts and entities. The conservatorship estate represents a portion of the conservatee's total assets.''

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