Lady Gaga gets nod for second concert in Philippines

US pop star Lady Gaga was allowed to hold a concert for the second night in the Philippines after authorities said her first show was "provocative" but did not violate any laws.

Christian protesters have demanded that The Born This Way Ball show be banned for allegedly being offensive to the Catholic religion.

The mayor of the Manila suburb of Pasay, which has supervision over the venue of the concert, had dispatched monitors to watch Lady Gaga's show.

"We find no violations of the special conditions of the special permits issued to the promoters of the show," Mayor Antonio Calixto said. "There was also neither nudity nor even holy symbols present."

"Admittedly, some of the statements and choreography were provocative, but the content and the presentation taken all together can be considered as part of an artist's expressions," he said.

Calixto said Lady Gaga "Did not denigrate or offend any particular religion or belief" during the show.

Members of religious groups have protested in Manila since last week to urge authorities to revoke the permit given to promoters of the concert.

Up to 20,000 fans watched Monday's concert while dozens of protesters held a vigil and lit candles near the venue. The same number of viewers were expected to watch the final show.Author: Girlie Linao