Viewer complaint against Big Brother behaviour

COMMENT: 'As a viewer of the show Big Brother Africa, I am extremely dissatisfied with the conduct of the housemates in this show, and would like to lay a formal complaint'

I have noted an alarming level of women abuse on this show and it is continuously increasing.

Last weekend, I was appalled to see Kenyan celebrity housemate Prezzo heavily insulting Babalwa Mneno of South Africa. He hurled verbal abuse at her, insulted her about her sex life; culinary skills; and general worth as a woman. He degraded her in front of the whole of Africa, and the world.

Yet nothing was done about this incident. On the very same weekend, a female housemate in the Downville house was almost physically assaulted by SA housemate Keagan, when she continued talking during an announcement. Again, no action was taken from the side of the show’s organisers.

In Season 2 of BBA, Tanzanian housemate Richard sexually assaulted Ofunneka of Nigeria live on television. This incident was even reported on by the local media, yet the show did nothing to reprimand the offender. Instead, he went on to emerge as the winner of that season.

As Africans, we are against this abuse of women as well as gross violation of women’s rights on our television screens.

I implore you to conduct a thorough investigation with the aim to rectify the indecencies taking place on this show.

- Letter shortened

- Name not published at reader request

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