stars may 18

ARIES: March 21 - April 21

The nature of this session is quite spiritual - just right for you to connect positively and richly with the heavenly power. Point yourself in the right direction by tidying up your judgement and discernment apropos personal issues. PHONE 083-914-0501 sms ARI to 34703

TAURUS: April 21 - May 21

Move confidently ahead with your worldly aspirations. You can find favour and earn recognition for your ideas and skills. Suit yourself in making important decisions and choices yet always bear it in mind that class is the watchword. PHONE 083-914-0502 sms TAU to 34703

GEMINI: May 21 - June 22

Money makes money at this stage, and nothing else does it as well. Be alert to financial opportunities and cash in where you can. Study the market for a good investment. A lucky break ought to brighten your life and enhance your worth. PHONE 083-914-0503 sms GEM to 34703

CANCER: June 22 - July 23

Look into every aspect of what transpires in your area of operation. Consider the possibility of latching on to an opportunity that others fail to spot. As long as you are alert and imaginative, you have a chance of making your mark. PHONE 083-914-0504 sms CAN to 34703

LEO: July 23 - August 24

Show that you have a heart full of compassion. Make tolerance and forgiveness your key words for this ambit. You have emotional power; use it with discretion and integrity. Bring absolute balance to your treasured family relationships.PHONE 083-914-0505 sms LEO to 34703

VIRGO: August 24 - September 23

Let nobody and nothing divert you from the course you wish to pursue. You are ready to be your own person again and will almost certainly make clever moves if left to your own devices for a while. You can shine in personal enterprise.PHONE 083-914-0506 sms VIR to 34703

LIBRA: September 23 - October 23

The onus is on you to keep your mind and your body in good working order with a view to performing efficiently on the mental and physical planes. All-round fitness is essential if you hope to live happily and successfully. PHONE 083-914-0507 sms LIB to 34703

SCORPIO: October 23 - November 23

A hectic interval is indicated and you are required to plan shrewdly r to make the best of circumstances. You could increase your chances of becoming successful by getting influential people well and truly on your side.

PHONE 083-914-0508 sms SCO to 34703

SAGITTARIUS: November 23 - December 22

A change or an ending experienced at this point could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. You are ready to make a fresh start and now have reason enough to do just that. Be an attentive listener s to gain critical information. PHONE 083-914-0509 sms SAG to 34703

CAPRICORN: December 22 - January 21

It is important to expand your aspirations and speed up your efforts, mentally and physically. If you are dissatisfied with your circumstances, set quickly about creating the conditions you long for. You have the power to succeed. PHONE 083-914-0510 sms CAP to 34703

AQUARIUS: January 21 - February 20

Your personal standing gets a timely boost. Recognition comes from people who are well-placed to boost your prospects if you are in business. If you are a family person, your ideas will earn the respect of your loved ones. PHONE 083-914-0511 sms AQU to 34703

PISCES: February 20 - March 21

That which is decided in your mind will be superior to whatever is determined by your heart. It is a time to amend, to revise and to achieve desires, needs and wants. You can make it so if you do not allow whims to confuse you.PHONE 083-914-0512 sms PIS to 34703

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