Oksana accepts Gibson's latest truce offering

Oksana Grigorieva accepted Mel Gibson's latest truce settlement because it was worth "over $3 million".

The Russian-born singer's lawyer Daniel Horowitz insists last week's settlement - which is thought to include 16 years living rent free in a $1.8 million home, the $750,000 in periodic payments, the payments of attorney fees and rights to her album and videos – is much more appealing for the 41-year-old pianist compared to previous potential deals due to its valuation.

He said: "The previous offer was structured in a way that made its value less than $1 million.

"Moreover, it required Oksana to surrender to Gibson all evidence in the criminal case against her, which could have made her subject to criminal charges ranging from bribery to destruction of evidence."

Daniel explained another benefit in the latest offer for Oksana – who split from Mel in June 2010 - is she could still continue a criminal case against the actor, who pleaded no contest to a battery charge in March, and was later ordered to do 16 hours community service and take part in a domestic violence counselling programme.

The lawyer added to RadarOnline.com: "Another main difference is that Oksana was able to pursue the criminal case against Gibson which would have vanished if she pursued the first deal."

Last month, Mel was ordered to pay Oksana $750,000 as part of their custody arrangement regarding the care of their 22-month-old daughter Lucia.

The sum will be made in three payments to the musician and she will receive the same maintenance payments he pays ex-wife Robyn Moore for the care of their children.

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