Duo promise to keep in touch

TANZANIAN beauty Bhoke Egina and her "lover", Ernest Wasake of Ghana, could not say what the future holds for their "relationship".

Ebhok, as the couple was named by viewers, said they needed more time to get to know each other better.

"We met in a different environment. It would be interesting to see Bhoke in a more comfortable space. She is an amazing woman and if given time I would love to get to know her.

"Now that we are both going back to our normal selves, I would love to keep in touch with her and get to know her better," Ernest said, a day after the two were kicked out of the Big Brother Africa Amplified reality show.

Bhoke, 26, has the same wish.

"We were in the house for about five weeks. It was a confined space. I would like to give things a chance and see how to go about it.

"I would love to keep in touch with him," Bhoke said.

Both said they were enjoying their "freedom".

"I missed my cellphone and my freedom. Being in the house taught me to appreciate the freedom I have. It feels good to see many people and to be able to walk around in the sun.

"I missed my mom's cooking. Not that the food we had in the house was bad but I just missed something that I was used to," she said.

Bhoke said she "did not feel at home in the Big Brother house".

"But I tried to warm up to the other housemates," she said.

Ernest, 28, said he felt appreciated by Africans.

"I could have kept my cards closer to my chest. I exposed myself to the housemates and I feel I was a threat to them.

"I have very little to recover from. I came, saw and experienced.

"I missed having genuine conversations and the human connection. I'm happy I'll be getting a chance to go out," he said.

There are 20 housemates - 11 in the Heads house and nine in the Tails house - remaining in the game.