Jossy kicked out of Big Brother house

NAMIBIAN recording artist Jossy became the first housemate casualty when he was evicted from the Big Brother Amplified reality show last night

Ethiopian housemate, Danny, was sent into the Tails house for being the second least popular housemate.

Four others - Weza of Angola, Zimbabwean Vimbai, Vina from Nigeria and Ghanian Confidence - were voted back into the Head house by the public. Originally, the four, including Jossy and Danny, were up for eviction.

Viewers were asked to use their votes to save those they favoured.

The Head house started with 15 contestants while the Tail had 11.

Earlier yesterday, Zeus, the head of house of of the Head house who was originally nominated for eviction, revealed for the first time to his mates that he had replaced himself on the list with Vimbai.

"I believe that if she were to leave the house, she would have been ready to continue with her success outside ... I promise you, it is not a personal thing," he said hugging Vimbai. Vimbai told him that it was "Okay".

When she was told that she was suddenly up for eviction last week, Vimbai was given 10 minutes to pack her bags and join the nominees in the lounge.

But She was saved and will remain in the house.

Ghanaian Confidence told Big Brother presenter Ik Osakioduwa on stage that she thought she had been nominated because she was "stiff competition".