Girlfriend's folks won't let me see her and our baby

I AM 24 years old and my girlfriend is 20. We had a baby at the end of last year. I assured her that I would be by her side all the way and would do everything in my power to look after her and the baby.

I have only seen our baby once since he was born. Her family have stopped me from seeing my girlfriend and our child.

I now have a permanent job and would like to contribute financially to maintain him.

My girlfriend will not take my calls and on the few occasions I managed to get through, she put the phone down.

I miss both of them and would like to build our future together, but I am not given the chance.

What should I do? Left out, Benoni

Dudu responds:

You must be going through a difficult time. You need to speak to your girlfriend's parents before you contact her.

Make an appointment to meet them and if need be, ask your parents to help you arrange this. When you meet, tell them the pain you are experiencing.

Apologise if you have behaved in any way that has hurt or angered them.

They might have had plans for their daughter's future and could be upset that she fell pregnant.

Explain that you would like to look after their daughter and your child financially.

Also, say that you would very much like to be a part of your son's life as his father. Perhaps you can ask your parents to accompany you.

Unfortunately, you cannot demand access to your son, but if you show the family your good intentions by paying maintenance, it might show them that your intentions are good.

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