Tulisa would pay a woman to sleep with her boyfriend

The singer would also hire a private eye to check out any man who wanted to marry her, and force him to take a lie detector test

The N-Dubz singer, full name Tulisa Contostavlos, is convinced no man can be trusted and would happily put the fidelity of any of her lovers to the test before settling down.

She explained: "Because I know nearly all men cheat, it makes it hard for me to trust them and I'm very jealous.

"I would quite happily pay someone to go and sh*g my man record it, and if they gave me evidence, I'd pay them £1,000."

The 22-year-old star even admitted she will force anyone who wants to marry her to take a lie detector test and will get them checked out by a private detective.

She said: "If I was going to get married, the first thing I'd do is send out a private detective. I've actually got a number for a cheating detective in my phone.

"When I get married, I will 100 percent do a lie detector test with him and ask if he's ever cheated."



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