Stars 0510

ARIES: March 21 - April 21

ARIES: March 21 - April 21

You may feel that no one really cares sufficiently about your welfare, comfort and happiness - but you are probably much too self-focused at present. Perhaps you have slammed too many doors recently and made yourself too unapproachable. (PHONE 083-914-0501)

TAURUS: April 21 - May 21

Temptation could now get in your way. You are probably feeling restless and might be inclined to be a bit too impetuous because of this. Pursuing a foolish distraction is not the answer as the price of your folly could be much too costly. (PHONE 083-914-0502)

GEMINI: May 21 - June 22

Resist the inclination to procrastinate. You are probably expected to shoulder some tiresome responsibility - to which you are subconsciously shrinking from doing. If you cannot do as you like, you must learn to like what you must do.(PHONE 083-914-0503)

CANCER: June 22 - July 23

Do not get too closely involved in a squabble between a couple of your pals as it will not be in your best interests to take sides. There is emotional unrest building up in your frame of friendships so make yourself scarce for a while.(PHONE 083-914-0504)

LEO: July 23 - Aug 24

Think and think yet again before making important moves as proper and perfect planning is essential if you are to register satisfactory progress in your individual ventures. Simply use your vast reasoning power to lighten your burdens. (PHONE 083-914-0505)

VIRGO: Aug 24 - Sep 23

Timely common sense and forethought can spare you from danger in the external world. Curb your curiosity and sense of adventure because either is liable to cast you into trouble - and you will struggle to overcome errors of judgement. (PHONE 083-914-0506)

LIBRA: Sep 23 - Oct 23

Others are now apt to impose on you and your resources. Think twice about issuing a cash loan as it is unlikely to come back to you. Friends and money are a bad mix at this time - and the same could be said about relatives and money. (PHONE 083-914-0507)

SCORPIO: Oct 23 - Nov 23

Be neither dogmatic nor complacent at this time. Think long and hard about all things that could affect your fortunes. Do not get involved in new projects or schemes without getting solid warranties - be alert and ask pointed questions.(PHONE 083-914-0508)

SAGITTARIUS: Nov 23 - Dec 22

Since this is a potentially disquieting ambit, you should be tactful concerning thought and speech - especially with regard to your loved ones. (PHONE 083-914-0509)

CAPRICORN: Dec 22 - Jan 21

Your love life hits an erratic phase. Someone is out to cause trouble between your and your sweetheart. Your own company is best for the time being assuming you are single - any new heart affair begun now is liable to become difficult. (PHONE 083-914-0510)

AQUARIUS: Jan 21 - Feb 20

Hopefully, you do not have anything of great importance lined up for this session because something could turn up to interfere with or delay what you have planned. Working hours may seem dull because progress slows down considerably. (PHONE 083-914-0511)

PISCES: Feb 20 - March 21

Your mate is likely to prove contrary yet try to exert patience - otherwise a rather nasty confrontation will ensue, with unfortunate consequences for both participants. This session is simply quite unfavourable for love and romance. (PHONE 083-914-0512)

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