Lindsay Lohan puts lawyer onto her dad

The troubled actress is accusing her father of trying to sell her private diaries

Her lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley has sent a legal letter to her estranged dad Michael to demand the return of a handwritten journal from her time at the Cirque Lodge rehabilitation centre in Utah in 2007.

The letter states that the 24-year-old star had no idea her father - who has repeatedly claimed she is addicted to prescription drugs - had the diary and she did not give him permission to sell or distribute it.

In the cease and desist document - sent to Michael's legal representative Lisa Bloom on August 23, one day before Lindsay’s most recent release from rehab - the actress warns she will seek damages for "grave invasion of privacy" if her father sells any of her personal belongings.

According to, the "appalled" actress blasts her dad's behaviour as "shameful".

Lindsay - who served 13 days in jail and 22 days in rehab last month as part of a sentence for violating the terms of probation which was set following a 2007 driving under the influence conviction - recently claimed her estranged parent was the source or many of the problems in her life.

She said: "I think my biggest focus for myself is learning how to continue to get through the trauma that my father has caused in my life".

However Michael brushed off the criticism saying: "They did the interview before Lindsay went to jail and rehab. What did they expect her to say?"


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