Gold Fields to cut up to 1,560 jobs at South Deep mine

Mining industry hit by more job losses.
Mining industry hit by more job losses.
Image: 123RF/ fesenko

Gold Fields is preparing to lay off up to 1 560 people at its loss-making South Deep mine‚ marking yet another attempt at restoring the operation which has absorbed R32-billion so far.

"It is envisaged that approximately 1 100 permanent employees could potentially be impacted by the proposed restructuring. In addition‚ approximately 460 contractors could also potentially be impacted‚" Gold Fields said.

South Deep employs 3 614 full-time employees and 1 940 contractors.

The announcement follows a week after Impala Platinum‚ the world's second-largest platinum‚ said it would cut 13 000 jobs at its mines as it shuts five of its 11 shafts over the next two years to address six years of losses at its Rustenburg mines.

Lonmin‚ the world number-three platinum miner‚ has said it will cut 12 600 jobs over three years as it stops old and unprofitable mines.

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