'Coal power here to stay'

POWER utility Eskom yesterday confirmed that it would not completely get rid of coal-generated energy and replace it with clean renewable energy

Ayanda Nakedi of Eskom's generation division says while the electricity utility agreed with moves towards cleaner forms of energy, it would not do away with coal - a fossil fuel that has largely been blamed for contributing to climate change.

Speaking at a National Union of Metalworkers of SA (Numsa) conference on renewable energy yesterday, Nakedi said stopping using coal, which was in excessive stockpiles, would lead to job losses.

The union is calling for a socially-owned energy renewable sector to boost job creation while contributing to the drive for cleaner energy.

Numsa deputy general secretary Karl Cloete said a socially-owned energy sector would mean community involvement in the running of the energy industry.

"When we speak about a socially-owned renewable energy sector, we are referring to a mix of different forms of collective ownership that we want to see in the sector. The mix includes energy parastatals, cooperatives, municipal-owned entities and other forms of community energy enterprises," Cloete said.

Chairman of the energy portfolio committee and ANC MP Siza Njikelana agreed that an alternative to the current ownership of energy resources was needed.

The conference started on Saturday and ends tomorrow.

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