Age just a number for 34-year-old Modise

New Cape Town City acquisition Teko Modise. Picture credits: BackPagePix
New Cape Town City acquisition Teko Modise. Picture credits: BackPagePix

New Cape Town City acquisition Teko Modise has urged football followers to judge him on performance rather than his age.

So much has been said about Modise's age, which is 34, since he penned a two-year deal with the Mother City club over a week ago.

Some, especially on social platforms, have questioned why City would offer "Dona" two years considering his age.

Modise told Sowetan yesterday that he's hungrier than ever despite the fact that he won six trophies with his previous club, Mamelodi Sundowns.

"It's very fascinating actually because people have never spoken about my performance.

"It shows that people choose to ignore certain things," Modise lamented.

"I'm a footballer and need to be judged on what I do on the pitch and for me, the age issue has never affected me and never affected my ability.

"They said I was a late bloomer when I came into the PSL [at age 24], but that never affected me till today," he said.

"So it shows that when you have a passion about something and you put your mind to it, the sky is the limit and that's basically where I am right now.

"I just wanna play football and be happy. Actually, maybe try kill this stigma that when you are over 30 you are old."

The former Bafana Bafana midfielder said he was looking forward to working under his former national teammate Benni McCarthy .

"He wants to win at all costs. He's trying to emphasise that we play proper football.

"By proper football it means we need to apply the basics properly. He's doing all the basics like any other coach and the guys are following his instructions very well," Modise added.

City will host Polokwane City in the MTN8 quarterfinals next month in their first match of the 2017/18 campaign.

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