Libya's Clemente feels fairy tale is not yet over

UPBEAT: Libya coach Javier Clemente PHOTO: Sydney Mahlangu/BackpagePix
UPBEAT: Libya coach Javier Clemente PHOTO: Sydney Mahlangu/BackpagePix

THE success of Libya in the third edition of the African Nations Championship may have come as a surprise to many - but not to coach Javier Clemente.

"This is great for Libya," he said after the north Africans caused an upset by eliminating Gabon 4-2 on penalties in Polokwane on Sunday to reach the semifinals.

"We have played a solid tournament to help in the revival of football in Libya. I know many people did not give us a chance when we first came here," he said.

It is the first time Libya qualified for the semifinals after they were eliminated in the group stages in the inaugural tournament in Ivory Coast in 2009, and did not qualify for the 2011 tournament in Sudan.

"We knew that Gabon were favourites going into the match, but we were not worried because there was no pressure in our team."

On their chances against Zimbabwe in the semifinal tomorrow, Clemente said: "Zimbabwe have some brilliant players, but we are going to prepare for them."

The match starts at 5pm.

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