Rewards for record breakers

CENTRAL Gauteng Athletics plan to give their athletes financial incentives to break provincial records.

CGA president James Moloi said the incentives were aimed at encouraging athletes to run fast times at various competitions sanctioned by Athletics South Africa.

Moloi said the incentives were for shorter road-running activities like 10km, half-marathon, cross-country and track and field events.

"We will be having a meeting with clubs in the province as part of our process to revive athletics in all the townships and suburbs," Moloi said.

"We are going to introduce the incentives in shorter distances to discourage our young athletes from opting for ultra-marathons and we will have to agree in terms of the figures.

"The challenge we are facing is that most of the rising stars are doing the Two Oceans and Comrades marathons because those events offer a lot of prize money.

"Introducing incentives for breaking provincial records will also help us a lot in terms of the athletes running fast times, record jumps and throws.

"This will also make it easier for them to qualify for global competitions like the Olympics and World Championships without having to wait for European meetings.

"We will also see athletes from other provinces coming to CGA to run fast times. This will also help us get sponsors."

Some of the top athletes in CGA include Mbulaeni Mulaudzi, Ruben Ramolefi, Tebogo Masehla, Irvette van Blerk and Lebo and Lebohang Phalula.

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