Where is Soweto's talent?

FORMER Bafana Bafana midfielder Teboho "Tebza Ngwana" Moloi has urged teams in the Soweto Football Association to focus more on development.

Moloi, who is now a soccer coach, said he was disappointed that Soweto teams are no longer producing talented players through their development ranks.

He urged them to use the 2010 Discovery Walter Sisulu Soccer Challenge at the Nike Football Training Centre in Soweto next month to identify talented youngsters in the township.

The tournament, which will feature 48 teams, is sponsored to the tune of R1,2million for three years. The winners will receive R50000 and runners-up R20000.

"When some of us were still youngsters, the majority of players at big Premiership clubs came from Soweto because the clubs prioritised development," Moloi said.

"This is a big challenge to the coaches in Soweto, there is something we are not doing right. We also need to go back to the schools to scout for talent."

The matches will be played at the Nike Centre from December 5 to 27.

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