Pearl Modiadie, Justin Bieber & Minnie Dlamini: see what your fave celebs got up to this weekend

This weekend saw the return of Zozibini Tunzi to South Africa for the first time since she was crowned Miss Universe. And while some celebs celebrated her arrival, various others got up to something else.

Internationally, we can expect an album release. Closer to home, some celebs celebrated love while others were out and about, busy exploring. 

Here's what some of your fave celebs got up to this weekend. 

The award-winning TV host spent her weekend filming in nature and getting up close and personal with nature's finest at the Leadwood Big Game Estate. She spoiled her followers with various snaps of herself thoroughly enjoying the bush life. 

Actress Gail Mabalane celebrated her love journey with her husband Kabelo Mabalane. Married for seven years, the couple expressed how they hope to remain lovers and best buddies forever.  Various celebs including Dj Sbu and Somizi took to the comment section to congratulate the couple. 

Trading the South African sun for the Swedish snow, Minnie Dlamini spent her weekend having fun on ice. The Jaguar ambassador took to driving on ice as part of the #JaguarExperience. The star expressed that this was her first time in the snow, and by the looks of things, she thoroughly enjoyed herself. 

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Grace🖤 #ILookToYou☝🏾

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Kelly Khumalo, who has always been open about her spirituality, shared an 'after-church pic' with her followers, some of whom expressed their admiration for her, commending her for the graceful woman that she is.  

The day of love came a few days early for this new mom as she received dozens of red roses this weekend. The singer, who recently got married in October 2019, seems to be madly in love and really happy. Her glow says it all. 

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Album out Friday. @dudewithsign

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Besides being pampered with Valentine's gifts, Justin Bieber has given us another reason to look forward to the 14th of February. He took to his Instagram this weekend to announce his album release in a very innovative and unique way. If his previous albums are anything to go by, we should indeed expect some catchy tunes.