READER LETTER | Government paying for years of irresponsible rule

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Image: Gallo Images/Lisa Hinatowicz

It is most unfortunate that a major tragedy should first happen before responsible political office bearers spring into action.

I sincerely hope that the investigation ordered by public works and infrastructure minister Sihle Zikalala, who was appointed to cabinet in March, into hijacked government buildings will not stop after early results.

In the article, in Monday’s Mercury mention is made of 1,260 (state) properties that had been flagged as being illegally occupied.

Why was it only tackled now that 77 people died a horrific death in a fire, that there is a realisation that this is a major problem that should have been attended to years ago. This is not the only major problem that has been neglected.  

Sunday Times reported that “State runs out of money”.  Following on that it was also reported that the national cabinet had resolved to implement “cost containment” measures and that the KZN provincial government will have to find R5bn  to cover the 7½% salary increase that the national government gave to all civil servants for the 2023 financial year. (The 40% of unemployed are lucky to get a small grant. Some have given up hope of finding employment.)

Have the chickens now come home to roost? Years of lack of responsible government have now reached a situation where short term solutions are very unlikely.

VA Volker, Pietermaritzburg

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