READER LETTER | Trump not as amusing as he was before

Former U.S President Donald Trump.
Former U.S President Donald Trump.
Image: Michael Zarrilli/Getty Images

I listened to Manny Morales, the Miami police chief, saying that the police force and other agencies were prepared for a crowd of anywhere from 5,000 to 50,000 Donald Trump supporters to be outside the Miami federal courthouse, but he might have overestimated the potential numbers.

From reports on TV and online, it appears that the five might have been correct but for 500 not 5,000 and certainly not 50,000.

Is this a police chief being overly cautious or an ex-president being undersupported? Time will tell but then most of the recent news items concerning Trump seem to contain the words indictment, lawyer, witch hunt and conspiracy and surely that is not a positive for any candidate and certainly not for one running for the most powerful position in the world.

This would be amusing if it was not so serious and the last time he was actually amusing was back in the days he was involved in the wrestling world, which was full of big personalities and rigged contests even if it was promoted as being real. Maybe it was a metaphor for the current events.

Dennis Fitzgerald, Melbourne, Australia

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