READER LETTER | ANC leaders are the cause of factions in party

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Image: Phillip Nothnagel/Daily Dispatch

Factions within the ANC are caused by party leaders. Let's look at the Limpopo situation for instance. Stan Mathabatha's term as the premier ended this year, however he was voted back into office by his loyalists.

Mathabatha was contesting with then MEC Namane Masemola for the premiership position but after his victory he kicked Masemola out of his cabinet. The top leadership of the ANC should've urged Mathabatha to retain Masemola to avoid the strengthening of factions in the movement.

Now they are sitting with a huge problem that is not easy to solve. Factions start at the lower level until they migrate to the highest level. Today the ANC is divided because of factions; every leader has his/her own cabinet which is dangerous. Cabinet members should be voted for by party branches, like the top six national leaders of the party.

If President Cyril Ramaphosa had to choose his top six, he wouldn't have chosen Ace  Magashule, Jessie Duarte, Gwede Mantashe and David Mabuza, but the four were voted by branches. He had no choice but to work with them.

Amos Motloding, Jamela, Limpopo

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