READER LETTER | Plan early and behave well after retirement

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The time has come for South Africans to plan for retirement in their early ages. It seems that our people worry too much about death than their lives after retirement. Black people will never skip a monthly payment of a funeral policy but don’t worry about saving a little for the later years of their lives.

Just imagine if there were no old age or disability grants? Businesspeople have found lucrative market in our people, with the funeral parlour business booming, especially in the rural areas. Most of the people who work in  companies or government get their lump sums after retirement. However, the first thing in their minds is to buy a 4x4 vehicle, which they couldn’t buy while they were still working. 

They are ignorant of further usage, insurance and maintenance costs of such expensive vehicles. Something has to be done to change the mentality of our people.

Amos Motloding, Jamela Village

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