Make the culprits pay

PRESIDENT Jacob Zuma vindicated? Innocent of any wrongdoing? Who are they kidding?

PRESIDENT Jacob Zuma vindicated? Innocent of any wrongdoing? Who are they kidding?

If anything, the Nkandla report, released by the Minister of Public Works yesterday - and which found Zuma had not use any public money to build his private compound - bears testimony to the kind of leadership we have in our government.

What kind of government approves security upgrades and consultant fees to the tune of R206-million?

What kind of leaders would sign off such preposterous expenditure while there are still children waiting for the government to rebuild their schools that were damaged by the floods?

What about the hundreds of children in one school who have to share one tap? Or teachers who have to share a makeshift toilet with their pupils because they don't have ablution facilities?

These are but a few of the stories this newspaper has covered to highlight the plight of our schools.

Add the lack of infrastructure in our hospitals and clinics, police stations and courts - the list goes on - and you can't expect the public to believe that there is no money.

Vindicated? No, Zuma and his government have just been exposed as spendthrifts, selfish and irresponsible.

If anything, the report tells us how pathetic our leaders are to approve such expenditure - and how disgraceful Zuma is to have allowed it.

We are told the Nkandla task team report will be handed to a special investigating unit, the auditor-general and police for further investigations.

The "further investigation" must start with those who had a hand in approving the squandering of our money and those who turned a blind eye to it, including the beneficiary.

Vindicated? The report vindicates no one, instead it condemns everyone who had a hand in letting this disgraceful event see the light of day.

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