Anti-impotence pills, sanitary pads among counterfeit goods worth R2.3m confiscated in Joburg CBD

A joint team comprising police, traffic officers, crime prevention wardens, brand protectors and the Sars customs unit seized counterfeit goods worth millions of rand in the Joburg CBD.
A joint team comprising police, traffic officers, crime prevention wardens, brand protectors and the Sars customs unit seized counterfeit goods worth millions of rand in the Joburg CBD.
Image: SAPS

Anti-impotence pills top the list of counterfeit goods seized in Johannesburg this week.

A joint team comprising police and other law enforcement agencies carried out operations in the Johannesburg city centre.

Gauteng police spokesperson Brig Brenda Muridili said the confiscations brought the value of goods seized in less than five days to more than R5m.

“The team recovered and confiscated items valued at R2.3m,” she said.

“The items are consumables such as sanitary pads, counterfeit shaving blades, anti-impotence pills, counterfeit shoe polish, hair extensions, knives, toothbrushes, jewellery, leather belts and caps. These were found in large quantities at two malls in the CBD.

“The team, which comprised members from visible policing, the traffic saturation team, crime prevention wardens, brand protectors and the South African Revenue Service's customs unit will continue to apply and execute search warrants to raid counterfeit goods dealers to combat illicit trade.”


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