WATCH: Gunmen rob driver of his watch outside Bryanston Golf Club

Gunmen rob driver of his watch outside Bryanston Golf Club.
Gunmen rob driver of his watch outside Bryanston Golf Club.
Image: 123RF/ Dmytro Zinkevych

A man was robbed of his watch at gunpoint at the entrance of the Bryanston Golf Club in Johannesburg on Wednesday. 

CCTV footage of the incident shows the victim approaching the gate of the golf club. A white car is seen following the victim.

The car then pulls over next to the victim’s car and two armed men get out of the vehicle.

One of the suspects is seen standing in front of the victim’s car‚ pointing a firearm‚ while the other approaches the driver’s window and threatens the victim with a gun.

While they are doing this‚ the driver of the getaway car turns the vehicle around. The armed suspects then get into the getaway car and drive off.

It is alleged that the victim was followed from Hyde Park and that a Rolex watch was taken.

The operations manager at the club‚ who refused to be named‚ confirmed that the robbers took the victim’s watch but he did not know whether or not it was a Rolex.

The manager would not tell how many occupants were in the victim’s car or if anyone was injured.

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