Anti-Zuma marches racism against blacks‚ says Zuma

Durban protesters gather at the Circus Site for the march. Photo: Jackie Clausen
Durban protesters gather at the Circus Site for the march. Photo: Jackie Clausen

President Jacob Zuma‚ the keynote speaker at a wreath-laying ceremony commemorating the 24th anniversary of Chris Hani’s death‚ honoured Hani’s legacy and made specific reference to his intolerance for racism.

Zuma said the anti-Zuma marches that took place last week were a clear indication that racism exists.

“Placards at the marches depicting monkeys indicated that our white counterparts view black people as less of human beings or sub-human‚” said Zuma.

He said the racist onslaught against black people was more direct and racists no longer feared being exposed as they did in the beginning of South Africa’s democracy.

“We can not allow racists to take our country backwards‚” Zuma said.

Zuma said the hate crimes law would criminalise several forms of discrimination including racism.

The crowd of supporters welcomed the president’s speech with loud cheers and songs in his honour.

Cosatu presdent Sdumo Dlamini disassociated the trade union federation from all forms of action against Zuma on what was popularly referred to as Black Friday.

“We are not part of Black Friday or any marches. We will resolve our issues internally‚” said Dlamini.

 Due to weather conditions the programme was called off just before Solly Mapaila‚ second deputy general secretary of the SACP‚ was due to speak.

Mapaila said he would still convey his message by other means and was met by boos from the crowd.



WATCH: Solly Mapaila booed off stage at Chris Hani memorial


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