Zuma lawyer fuels CPS grants chaos‚ 'stressed' Sassa bosses land in hospital

President Jacob Zuma’s special adviser played a key role in ensuring that Cash Paymaster Services would keep the lucrative contract to deliver more than 17 million social grants to recipients‚ the Sunday Times newspaper reported.

His intervention coincided with Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini flatly rejecting any payment option that did not involve CPS‚ raising questions about why the minister was so intent on retaining the company.

Secret meetings between top managers of the South African Social Services Agency and Michael Hulley‚ Zuma’s special adviser‚ have raised questions about the Presidency’s role in the fiasco‚ the Sunday Times report said.

Hulley has been named as the person who advised Dlamini to go against Advocate Wim Trengove SC and three other independent legal opinions that recommended that she should let the Constitutional Court decide the fate of the CPS contract.

This emerged as pressure to conclude the social grants contract landed two Sassa bosses in hospital.

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