More than 2000 Kugas taken in since recall announced

Krog was en route to work when he noticed smoke coming from the back of his 2013 Ford Kuga. Photo: Warren Krog
Krog was en route to work when he noticed smoke coming from the back of his 2013 Ford Kuga. Photo: Warren Krog

Just two days after the Kuga recall by Ford SA‚ more than 2000 SUVs have been taken in to dealerships across the country.

Ford SA CEO Jeff Nemeth told Radio 702 on Wednesday morning that the process was going smoothly and there were only a few isolated cases of dealerships that were inundated and unable to resolve customer complaints.

“The response we had yesterday was very good. We were able to handle most of the customers. There were some isolated dealerships that had quite a few people come in at a very short amount of time‚ and I apologise that they weren’t able to handle those quickly‚” said Nemeth.

Ford announced the recall on Monday‚ and waived the usual R1500 deposit on courtesy cars‚ and has so far dispensed 1200 courtesy cars.

A total of 4500 vehicles are expected to be taken in.

“We have asked the customers to bring the cars in so that we can ensure that they working properly.” said Nemeth

Nemeth reiterated the claim that the incident which claimed the life of Reshall Jimmy in 2015 was unrelated to an engine fire. He said the class action lawsuit against Ford announced by Jimmy’s family has not yet been filed‚ and Ford would respond accordingly when it is.

“The Jimmy fire did not have an engine compartment fire‚ everybody has agreed to that‚ and forensic investigators said it was not an engine compartment fire‚ it was an unrelated problem and whatever happened we will get to the bottom of it‚ but it is completely unrelated‚” said Nemeth. – TMG Digital/The Times

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