Killer of UJ student still at large

Picture showing the alleged private security officer (in the denim shirt) holding a gun Picture: Magnificent Mndebele
Picture showing the alleged private security officer (in the denim shirt) holding a gun Picture: Magnificent Mndebele

The search for a security guard who allegedly shot and killed a University of Johannesburg student has entered its third day.

“We are still working on the case. We have not made any arrests at the moment‚” said police spokesperson Noxolo Khweza.

Kelvin Baloyi (21) died from a bullet wound after being shot by a man‚ described by an onlooker as a plain clothed security guard‚ at a party at The Yard‚ a private student residence in Johannesburg.

Africa Housing Company‚ which oversees the property‚ on Monday denied that a security guard had fired the fatal shot

Baloyi and about four other friends argued with the shooter at level 14 of the residence after he asked them to leave the area.

“The students were not causing trouble so I can’t tell you why he chased them. So they started pushing him asking him to leave and when he left he just shot at someone‚” an eyewitness told TMG Digital.

The first-year BSc Computer Science and Informatics students was shot at close range and died on the scene. — TMG Digital



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