COPE to lay charge of incitement of violence against ANCYL’s Collen Maine

Mosiuoa Lekota
Mosiuoa Lekota

Congress of the People (COPE) is to lay criminal charges against ANC Youth League president Collen Maine for incitement of violence.

This is for calling on Umkhonto we Sizwe veterans to take up arms “to defend the revolution” when he actually means to defend President Jacob Zuma‚ said COPE spokesman Dennis Bloem.

COPE will be laying the charges at the Garsfontein Police Station in Pretoria.

 “Maine’s utterances may just spark the country into anarchy. His utterances are also in violation of section 16. 2.a & b of the 1996 constitution‚” Bloem added.

He said COPE would “do everything in its power to defend South Africa from warlords like Maine”.

 “As far as COPE is concerned all military wings were integrated into one entity.

“COPE says Umkhonto we Sizwe veterans are not Zuma’s private army.

“Statements like those of Maine belong to the past and they must be left there.” Bloem asserted.

 “We must never allow anyone to make such reckless and inflammatory statements that can cost the lives of our people‚” he added.

Bloem said what was even more concerning to COPE was that Maine was calling on Umkhonto we Sizwe veterans to bring their guns and use them in defence of Zuma.

“Congress of the People is extremely disturbed about the police dragging their feet in acting against Maine.

 “Cope opened a similar case against Maine on 10 February 2016 at the Brooklyn Police Station (CAS 269/2/2016) but up until now nothing has happened.

“COPE is warning the police that should Umkhonto we Sizwe veterans execute any of Maine’s threats‚ we will put the blame squarely on the police.

“Maine must be charged‚” said Bloem.


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