Hunt for flood victim continues

Flooding in Amamzimtoti, south of Durban. Picture Credit: Arrive Alive
Flooding in Amamzimtoti, south of Durban. Picture Credit: Arrive Alive

Volunteers gathered at Durban’s Green Hub at Blue Lagoon on Thursday to search for 62-year-old Brenda Lynn Scriven‚ who went missing during heavy rain on Monday.

Police search-and-rescue personnel and private security companies have been searching a valley in the city’s Old North Coast Road area since Tuesday after CCTV footage showed that Scriven was washed away after jumping off her car.

Marshall Security spokesman Kyle van Reenen said the search-and-rescue team moved towards Umgeni River early on Thursday.

“An extensive search was done using excavation equipment on Wednesday. Deep excavation was done in the area where the search-and-rescue canines found a scent. At 530pm‚ the search was called off as it was inconclusive in that area‚” he said.

“Search-and-rescue would move down the river towards the Umgeni to see if the body has washed up anywhere or if there are any signs of the remains.”

On Tuesday‚ police found the body of a Chatsworth woman whose car was swept off a bridge in Silverglen Drive.

After a search 500m downstream‚ two police dogs located the victim’s body in dense debris.

The body was recovered and handed over to Bayview police.

The woman’s vehicle was apparently pulled into river by the strong current during the heavy rain.



– TMG Digital





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